Ugh, but that's the thing. Your writing really is substantive and compelling enough to be incredible journalism. If you don't like conservative positions, by all means, work the platform to promote your ideology. I just hate to see you stuck on a guy with diminishing returns. It's not fellow liberals you should be catering to. They're already in your choir. I challenge you to write to conservatives like me. Make me think of ways our political party could be doing better. I would be first to read. Anyway, it's poor decorum for one writer to tell another writer what they should be writing, for which I apologize. I won't do it anymore. After a fashion my comments could be considered trolling. I hope it is not bad form to ask you to widen the lens though. Trump won't stay relevant if we collectively move on. Clearly, if I keep commenting, it's because I respect your level of research and detail. I maintain you are better than Trump coverage.